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Application for Water Service

Use this form to sign up for a water tap.

Click to view/print the service application

Transfer of Ownership

Use this form for ownership transfer of water service connection

Click here to view/print the transfer form

Owner's Directive to Lock Meter

Use this form to request discontinuation of service to a meter that you own. You can also use this same form to request restoration of service to that meter.

Click here to view/print lock meter form

Multiple Use Tap

For those cases where a customer requires water service to more than one dwelling on a parcel, additional charges apply. Contact our office for details on this policy and the amount of the charges, then fill out this form and send it to us for processing.

Click here to download the Multi-Use tap application

Regulator Removal and Release

In adherence with District policy, when a pressure regulator in the meter pit serving your home fails, Tri-County will install a temporary replacement regulator. You, the owner, are then obligated to install your own regulator somewhere between the pit and your home but not in the Tri-County pit. Tri-County will then come out and remove its regulator after the grace period expires. By signing this form you agree to have Tri-County's regulator removed and release Tri-County from and damage to your home or premises caused by potentially high water pressure that regularly exists on water distribution systems.

Click here for the Regulator Removal form